Modules and plugins for Joomla! content management system.

Joomla! extensions featured on now have a new dedicated home. Welcome to Pluginaria!

Knowledge that other people are browsing your products can give additional nudge to act.

The module creates a new module position, which you specify in configuration and any target module(s) placed there will move with user scrolling.

Urge Visitor extension for Joomla!
...only EUR 19.00 7.00 (Limited time offer)!
30 days 100% money back guarantee.

We take customer satisfaction very seriously. If you're unsatisfied for any reason please don't hesitate to contact support to receive full refund.


  • Designed for Joomla 3.x;
  • Cascading thresholds - as long as there is enough page views information about last 12 hours will be shown. If this number is too low 24 hours views will be checked. Then 48 hours and at last 7 days;
  • Box can be shown relative to other elements on the page (for example over image gallery);
  • Texts to show can be easily configured;
  • Statistics in backend.

Supported content types

The extension currently supports the following content types:

  • Standard Joomla content (articles etc).
  • K2 Items

Support for new content types can be easily added, please contact us.


The box will appear (and then disappear) after configurable time in the upper right corner of most pages on this site as long as there are enough page views.

It looks like this:

Statistics example

x People have been checking out this extension 21 times in the past seven days.

This box is Urge Visitor extension available on!